Λειτουργεί τμήμα νηπιαγωγείου με άδεια του Υπουργείου Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων


Mickey, Minnie and their friends welcome you to the magic world of ''Disneyland''.

This fantastic place, which is situated in Kato Pefki , waw established with a lot of care and love for our little friends by Mrs. Katerina Niolaki, a Pre-school teacher and owner of the nursery school, who is looking forward to introducing you to Disney's world .

Our aim is to responsibly educate and teach the children , a difficult task which can only be achieved through the successful cooperation between our school and parents.

Once a month the children are examined dy a pediatrician and psychologist and parents are informed about their children's health and well-being .

Our students are provided by the pediatrician. Meals are prepared in the school premises and comply with all hygiene rules.

Our qualified teachers , under Mrs. Niolaki's supervisor , have to cope with their demanding task and succeed in educating our little friends and helping them develop their personalities.